Saturday, 28 February 2009

School Update

Weechan is really enjoying her school days this year. She loves her teacher this year so much that sometimes she calls me Miss B by mistake. I am impressed by how her reading skills have come on, and she is slowly getting into the world of homework. She has learned all about dance, materials and transportation so far in her program of inquiry this year, and they always seem to be going on field trips lately. Most recently they were off to the Fire Department's Training Centre, where they had earthquake simulations and lessons on how to behave in a fire, including actually moving their way through a smoke filled room.
Last month, just before Valentines Day, their class hosted assembly, and I got a written invitation from Weechan to come and see what they were doing. First we learned about recycling with a slideshow of their visit to a recycling centre, where they made soap. They also taught us all how to communicate our feelings to each other, especially about love. Mairi and Miki taught us about what feelings the colour of flowers communicate to us. It was really sweet.
It was all finished off by a song. I never thought I'd see the day when my 5 year old was entertaining me by singing the Cure!!
It's Friday, I'm in love!!

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