Sunday, 1 February 2009

Aunty B Eats her Words

As we mentioned, 2 weeks after Granny and Aunty Fi went home, Mummy's friend Aunty B came to stay. B lived in Japan 15 years ago for 3 years, and this is her first time back. When she was here the first time, she was a raving vegetarian, but has since seen the light, and wasted no time trying to eat all the things she couldn't when she was here before. Okonomiyaki went down well.

I mean it really was quite lterally "bring on the dripping slaughtered carcasss" time.
So much for principles. Haha.

There really is nothing like Yakiniku though!

The last trip to Mitaki was so nice, we decided to retrace our steps with B too.

2009 is the Year of the Cow, or Ox, by the Japanese Zodiac, so we took a coo along to try and get a New Year Card shot. You'll have realised by now though that we didn't get a perfect one though and resorted to a cowless one instead.

Wasn't for the want of trying though.

Only in Japan


Needless to say more bottles of wine were consumed in 10 days than in the previous 10 weeks.
Very old habits die hard.

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