They also had a photo contest, where you were supposed to take in photos of yourself reading a book in an appropriate place. Mummy didn't find out about this till the night before, and Weechan insisted on a Thomas book, so ours was difficult to make "appropriate", but in the spirit of "reading by myself is all still a bit above my head" we entered these shots! Poor, perhaps, but with 10 minutes to take and print it, as good as it gets!
On Friday, the kids had to dress up as their favourite book character and take the book. Mummy did her best to dissuade M from Disney, but in the end had to capitulate to "but this IS my favourite book!" - which it actually is these days, sadly enough. In the spirit of making an effort, we dress Lady up as Minnie's dog Fifi, who also appears in the book. This effort earned Weechan a place at the "only people in costume can come " Tea Party in the library at lunchtime, so it was all worth it!
Reading Week - What a good idea!
こっちの学校でも、reading weekがあったよ!目標は1週間で100時間だって!なかなか大変。。。憧子はチャーリーとチョコレート工場と、ヘレンケラーを読んだよ。
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