Wednesday 5 March 2008

Everyone's Dream Comes True 世界の望みに答えて

Yes, this morning I woke up, and I couldn't speak.

I have been feeling a bit iffy for a few days, but nothing really that drastic, so I was a tad surprised when I opened my mouth for the first time this morning to get the troops martialed, and out came nothing but a pathetic little rasp.

And ironically that was the only thing wrong with me. I actually felt much better than I have for days. I trundled off to work in spite of it all, which was pretty meaningless really when you think about it. What's the use of a conversation teacher who can't utter a word? In the end, my admirable colleagues took the classes for me, and I made up this year's final exams as a penance in the staffroom.

While I'm quite sure everyone around me is enjoying the peace and quiet, I hope I can talk tomorrow, as I have a couple of classes I really must teach supposing I do it in sign language.


Take the spell off, Dr Yasu!
魔法を解けて、Dr Yasu!

I got the student evaluations for last term back from the principal today. There really is nothing to top last term's "I wish she would shut up!", but on the "positive points about this teacher's class" comments side, the one I liked the best was "Her hair is cute". If that's the best thing she could think of to say, maybe i do need to work harder!

And on the "complaints about this class" side, my favourite comment was: " she makes us talk too much English, so I don't like this class"!!

Is that not what they pay me for?????





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