Monday, 3 March 2008

Hina Matsuri

International School Hina Prince and Princess!

Playschool Tulip Hina Prince and Princess!
Both by Weechan

Well as usual, in the aftermath of the big party, the Hina Matsuri is an understated affair in our house, but I still felt the need to mark the event, so that M will not be left of the "protection from evil" and "guaranteed good health and beauty" lists this year. Just in case! You've already seen her gorgeous dolls, which I will have to pack away soon, so that she is not left on the shelf "like old Christmas cake" without a husband in the future, a fate which is sure to befall her, if they are left out for too long after the festival - apparently! The final cut off date seems to be quite elastic though, and I believe I have until about the 15th before her spinsterhood is absolutely guaranteed.

毎年、バースデー パーティの直後で、雛祭りは家で結構おとなしいものになってしまうど、Weechanもちゃんと守られるように、完全に忘れたらいけないね。最近皆ケーキを買うみたいけど、キティーちゃんとマイメロのケーキだらけのうちは、ケーキはもういい!ってかんじだから、お花を買ってあげることにした。いろんな花屋でみたら、お雛様の花と言えば、桃の花、菜の花とスイートピーみたいですね。どうしてでしょう?と思って意味を調べることにしたけど、ブログで以下の情報しか見つけられなかった:

「桃の花は 元気に育つ女の子のため
菜の花は 早くに命をうしなってしまった子のための花だそうです。
おひな祭りの宴に 亡くなった子もよんで 一緒に楽しむ日なのですね。」


You can buy beautiful cakes to eat to celebrate with your daughters, but I think we can safely say we are pretty caked out, what with Hello Kitty and My Melody, so I bought some flowers for the occasion. The flowers of choice for this festival are peach blossoms, sweet peas and rape seed blossoms. I tried to find out why, but could only come up with a blogger who tells me that the peach blossoms signify strong healthy girls, and the rape seed flowers are to represent girls who have died as children, and we should pray for all their souls on this day. There was no mention of the sweet peas, but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't in there just because they're pink and pretty, as girls should be!

True or not? No idea! Anyway, they complimented the lovely sakura mochi rice cakes made by Moto's Mum (which I should have shared at the borthday party - sorry!), another traditional Hina festival dish. All in all, not a bad after school snack.

Live long and prosper Weechan! And all your wee girlfriends too!

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