Sunday, 30 March 2008

Mac Torture

Found this picture in Creative Commons on Flickr, and it just about sums it up. I love it!

If I tried to claim I never eat unhealthy junk food, the sound of laughter all over the world would drown out the sound of my own rumbling tummy, but for years I have been totally anti MacDonalds.
Ages ago I read articles about inhumane cattle rearing practices in farms which supplied their cheap beef (haven't been able to source a link for you - no time- but when I do I'll post it), their ethical commitment to service was questioned again recently with their " if they don't know it won't harm them" attitude to beef dripping used in the cooking of their chips, despite having promised hindu customers that the chips were safe for them
to eat. The whole world domination of Western fast food chains in general is not a particularly positive thing to my mind either, it's so culturally mind numbing. So, politically and philosophically, there is grist for my mill to back up my objections to the place. However, I will admit that my high minded principles can occasionally be compromised, if pragmatic advantage decrees, but the absolute worst sin that MacDonalds commits, is that is tastes BLOODY AWFUL. It really really does. I mean come on. Go to almost any other burger place and I guarantee it tastes better, and is healthier in at least some small way. The burgers taste like cardboard, and the chips! Well, I could go on for hours about the quality of the chips. And you know folks, you just don't mess with the chips of a Scottish person. I really cannot understand why every time I pass a MacDonalds here in Hiroshima, there is a queue of cars waiting to get into the car park or the drive thru that halts the regular traffic. HOW CAN THIS BE? (Psychological warfare against mothers with small children who want the toys, and the fact that people really will eat crap if it's cheap enough, no doubt.....)
Anyway, every so often I succumb to my insecurites, and think: "maybe it's not that bad. I mean come on, it can't be that awful", or I'm absolutely starving with no time to go anywhere else, and all there is before me is the golden arches, or, since Weechan's advent, I occasionally give in to the peer pressure of the whole world wanting to go there, so as not to appear totally antisocial, or put a damper on things.
And every time, I find out that it really IS that bad, and swear that I will never again set foot in the place.
Such was the case after the Marina Hop expedition with the Rices last Friday. What can I say? It was late. We were hungry. The Rices were going anyway. If I'd cooked when we got home, we'd have eaten at 9pm. And there's Weechan. Big eyes. Oh Mum, everyone else is going. I've never been to this magical shrine of the Happy Set that all my friends speak of with reverence. And all this communicated without uttering a word. Just the eyes.

So I gave in.
And we went.
And it was.
(the coffee was OK)

I apologise profusely to the Rice family for no doubt spoiling their enjoyment of their own dinner, in the style of my own mother, by being unable to hide my annoyance with my own self, for once again having allowed myself to be duped by the devil of McMarketing.
On the plus side, despite spending the remainder of the evening feeling like I'd drunk a cup of the oil they'd used to fry the chips in for 3 days, Weechan totally hated what she had too, so I was able to say " See, I said it was horrible, didn't I?" and she said "Yes, Mummy and it was!"

Quickly followed by a (I am not making this up) " Mummy, why do you know everything?"
Well, what can I say?

Friday, 28 March 2008

Fun at the Fair

Some photos from an impromptu visit to Marina Hop with the Rice Team.

Mama Rice meets Papa Rice.

Just before G twists her ankle!

Reading Week at School

This week at school was Reading Week, and reading and storytelling, and poetry of all kinds was encouraged and enjoyed. Kids were asked to bring in their favourite books to share with their friends, there was "Poem in your pocket" day, and all kinds of other wonderful nonsense.
They also had a photo contest, where you were supposed to take in photos of yourself reading a book in an appropriate place. Mummy didn't find out about this till the night before, and Weechan insisted on a Thomas book, so ours was difficult to make "appropriate", but in the spirit of "reading by myself is all still a bit above my head" we entered these shots! Poor, perhaps, but with 10 minutes to take and print it, as good as it gets!

On Friday, the kids had to dress up as their favourite book character and take the book. Mummy did her best to dissuade M from Disney, but in the end had to capitulate to "but this IS my favourite book!" - which it actually is these days, sadly enough. In the spirit of making an effort, we dress Lady up as Minnie's dog Fifi, who also appears in the book. This effort earned Weechan a place at the "only people in costume can come " Tea Party in the library at lunchtime, so it was all worth it!
Reading Week - What a good idea!

This Week's Art

Well, what can you say about this?
Apparently, it's a joint collaboration by Weechan, and her new love A at school. They are learning about professions. You know, firemen, policemen, pilots....
For context, I have to tell you one thing that has always kind of freaked me out about Weechan. Every time we get on an aeroplane, whether it be short or long haul, without fail she spends the first 10 minutes studying the emergency procedures leaflet with uncharacteristic concentration. I mean since she before she could speak. It always makes me feel like she's had premonitions of some air disaster that is destined to befall us. I also remember her appearing in the kitchen one evening when she was about 3, to show me her latest dessin, of a plane going down in flames, complete with screaming passengers. What is it with this kid?
Anyway, apparently when they were studying about emergency rescue professionals at school the other week, she started explaining to the teacher about what happens when there is a fire on a plane, and A chipped in that he knew all about that too, so they started illustrating their points together.
Apparently in this case the plane didn't fall out of the sky, it managed to land on the water, then everyone got into the lifeboats by going down the yellow slides, of course after putting their oxygen masks on. The ones in the water are the pilots, who had to jump out of the window. And just in case you didn't get the point of the masks, and how to use them, we got a separate illustration.
The bit I love the best though, is the giant figure of Daddy, who has come to help all the sick and injured after the accident. How great to be the father of a 5 year old, and larger than life!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Happy Easter

Last Sunday was Easter Sunday. We were going to go to the park like last year, but it was a very rainy day, so we had to cancel. I was sad, but my friends E and L from school came to the pub for lunch with us, and we managed to decorate some eggs in there, much to the bar staff's interest and delight. They really wondered what on earth we were doing. They were taking photos and everything.


I took some of the Scottish sweeties I got from my Aunty Fi to share, and these were my favourites. They have a little message on each one. My Mummy and L's Daddy were laughing, because when they were wee, they had the same sweeties, but there weren't any with "E-mail me!" on them! They said there was no e-mail then. Imagine!
Aunty Fiからもらったスコットランドのお菓子を皆と分けるために持って行った。このLove Heartsが一番好き。それぞれにメッセージが書いてあるから。でもMummyとLちゃんのDaddyは笑っていた。彼らの小さい頃、同じお菓子があったんだって。でもあの頃「メールをしてね」と言うメッセージがなかったって。なんとメールそのものは存在していなかったんだって!Wow!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Lots of Sleepovers and Goodbyes お泊まり会とお別れ


Last week I was very busy.
Mummy had to go out, so I went to stay over at my friend Y's house. Then she came here on Tuesday and stayed over, then I went back to her house on Wednesday night. We had a holiday on Thursday, then I went to Onomichi on Friday to meet my friends there.

We had an Italian dinner, with this strange red orange juice. Everyone's thoughts were different.

Now what does it taste of???

Not sure....

It could be.....

No maybe not.....

Yup! It's snake's blood!

All together now: BANZAI!
Good Luck Y Family! We'll come and see you in Nagasaki.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Thanks Aunty Fi!

Like my new blouse? I do. It and more sweeties than I can even imagine, arrived from my Aunty Fi the other day. Thank you Aunty Fi!
このブラウス可愛い?私もそう思う!この間いろんな可愛い服と想像できないぐらい数のお菓子が届いた!ありがとう、Aunty Fi!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Peace Park Ponderings

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, I sometimes forget the significance of my adopted hometown. Making the bus on time, grading papers, and what to have for dinner- these things are nearer the surface of my conscience than the fact that my daughter was born across the road from the scene of one of the most devastating events of the 20th century.
These days, my head is in even more turmoil than usual, as we are trying to decide whether or not to build a house, with all that entails, and I have a lot of work related running about to do, what with the end of the school year and all, not to mention challenges for the new one. The other night, Weechan safely ensconced at a friend's house for the night, I headed off to a farewell party for departing colleagues, uncharacteristically by public transport (yes, for alcoholic purposes!), so I was able to have a quick wander through the Peace Park at dusk on the way.
I won't wax on the usual subjects that I have already covered, as do most, when they pass by the A-Bomb Dome, but let's just say that a walk through that special place always helps to put things into perspective. Whatever your current issue is, generally it really is not the end of the world - as it once was here.
Spring is finally arriving in Hiroshima, with all the blooming treats it always brings. The cherry blossoms are not quite here yet, but I especially love all the flowering trees that we just don't have in Fife!
This gorgeous tree (I think it is a kind of magnolia?), blooming gracefully beside a river at twilight, in a place where it was said that no plants would thrive for 70 years, gave me a moment of calm in my stormy mind. Good things happen and beauty can be found, even when the present situation makes it seem impossible. Aaaah! I'm getting all philosophical again, so I'll quit while I'm ahead...

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Too Many Men...Too Little Time

It's tough being a class with only 3 girls......

Weechan has been betrothed to her first love H from Onomichi, since they were 3. It has been a given, since she ever discovered about princes, that H was hers. He danced with her princess costumed self when all the other boys in her life ran for the train set. When he said "ね、結婚しようよ"(let's get married), she didn't even have to think twice.


Since we left Onomichi a year ago to come back to Hiroshima, I frequently get worried e-mails from H's mum, assuming, having read this blog, and seen all the other boys who cross her path, that Weechan will have forgotten all about H, but in the face of it all she has always said to the Hiroshima boys: "I like you, but I'm going to marry H!"

However, the other morning she announced she was going to marry A from her class instead. The worrying logic being that, N (her wee friend who is leaving, bringing us down to 2 girls in the class!) loves A the best, but now that she is going to Hawaii, she can't marry him, can she?!
(Perhaps a chat about "THE RULES" of female friendship is order soon....). When asked :"What about H?", indecision flitted across her small face, then resolve, and the verdict: "A".
二三日前のこと。いきなりクラスのAくんと結婚することを発表。「えっ、どうして?」と言ったら:「だってNちゃんはAのこと大好きだけど、彼女はもうハワイに行っちゃうから、Aと結婚できないでしょうね。」その理屈はかんぺきでしょうね。「Hくんは?HくんとAくんは、どちがいい?」と聞くと真剣に考えるWeechan. 結論:「A」だった。

I feel for the poor H, who doesn't know his fate yet, unless his Mum is reading this, but when Daddy quizzed her last night at the dinner table, as to which of the 2 she really preferred, she looked truly exasperated, and retorted "Well what am I supposed to do? They all want to marry me. No, really! Every day if I choose a boy to marry, they all shout "No, pick me! Pick me!" I can't marry all of them...."


Long may she have this problem... She's already had more romantic proposals than her mother!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Prince Ice World

Today, thanks to the S Family, we were able to go to watch the professional figure skating show at the Big Wave. I have loved the skating since the Olympics a couple of years ago, so I was very excited.

We really had the best seats, literally on the ice rink, so we could see the skaters close up. First we bought our flowers and waited.

It really was a great show!

This is Shizuka Arakawa, who won gold for Japan at the last Olympics. Everyone was very excited to see her. I and Y gave their flowers to her.


But my favourite was this lady, Nana Takeda, who is still representing Japan, and is famous for her smile! She skated to my favourite High School Musical songs, so I gave my bouquet to her.

でも私はこのまだ日本のために頑張ってくれている武田ななさんが一番大好き。スマイルがかわいいし、私の大好きなHigh School Musicalの曲に滑ったから、彼女に花束をプレゼントしたよ!

I'm going to watch out for her on TV from now on too!