No big fuss for the occasion, but had a few friends over for dinner by coincidence on Sunday night. Used the chance to actually cook for the first time in ages, and with good company, food in abundance, not to mention a respectable number of bottles of wine quaffed -the weather has taken a turn for the worse lately, and I was off on Monday with nothing which had to be done- the whole weekend had a pleasant Christmas like feel to it, and I felt suitably spoiled.
About 5 cards actually arrived on the day, so it felt like a birthday. Thanks to all who sent a card. It's nice to be remembered. A few phonecall renditions of Happy Birthday will remain in the memory for while too.
So what about presents? A fluffy bath robe , some smelly soap from my daughter, and the romantic present from Dr Y? Here's a picture:
I love to moan about Japan, but credit where credit is due. These heated toilet seats with bidet and bum washing sprays are one of the best inventions of all time. They're pretty standard nowadays - our septic tank toilet in Onomichi even had a heated seat, so my pampered derriere was a tad miffed and surprised to find that neither toilet in our relatively new rental house had one. And it was only yesterday that I sat down for the first time this Autumn and really felt a chill. Perfect timing!
Really! I couldn't have been happier!
And to top it off, I got 3 tickets for a Kodo concert in December! Who to take.......
So considerng the 2 mugs I got last year, I did very well indeed this year. Makes me suspicious... Poor Y, he can't win can he?
1 comment:
素敵なプレゼントだね(ha ha!)
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