After all the Ashton Kutcher/CNN highjinx last week, I finally gave in to a niggling temptation in my brain and signed up for a Twitter account: " just to see what it is all about". There went the weekend!
I was supposed to be making up exams for La Creme de la Creme and latterly marking the papers, but got hopelessly drawn into the world of inanity that is Twitter - especially in my case- haha.
What is it about us these days, virtual peeping Toms on the lives and thoughts of complete strangers that we are? You think that's sad? Maybe, be smug then if you want. But I have met new people ( most recently @CatatonicCat on Twitter, whose newly born blog I stole the above YouTube from - cheers!), and learned a lot about things I'd never have contemplated researching, from all the blogging in the past few years.
From the first " Jax is certainly quite the chatterbox" primary school report , to the Linguistics degree and my getting-paid-to-have-a-chat job, I have always been all about communication. It's the only way to iron out the misunderstandings which lead to unnecessary hatred and wars! (So there!) Yes, there's a lot of unqualified crap out there, but sometimes the people with the qualifications spout shite too, so so what? Look at this way, it's a great thing for freedom of speech, everyone can have their say, with the added bonus that no-one is forced to listen to it.
People go on about the antisocial nature of today's internet, Facebook, blogging, Wii playing world, and we sad geeks who inhabit it.
I bet we have more contact with our mates than you who are waiting around for the time to call, or write that real letter!
Geek be it!
On twitter the other day my friend @littleforeigner told me tongue in cheek (I hope anyway, as he's never offline in one form or another either, to the greater good of all little foreigners in Hiroshima I might add!) to look up "Is Twitter bad for your health?) on the BBC or CNN.
I did just that and found THIS .
I'm with Stephen Fry! And he says it all much better than me.
"We are the world, we are the children.....we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving"
If I could've put money on that being your reaction, word for word, I'd be a bloody millionaire by now.up yours. politely.
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