Friday, 7 November 2008

お祭り Local Festival

What's this?

Since we actually own our house, now we are full members of the community. First job is to decorate the house with these streamers for the local festival. It's harder than it looks. Spot the house where the stupid gaijin lives!!!

All dolled up and ready to go!

All the neighbourhood kids carry this portable shrine around the whole mountainside.

Daddy gets in the spirit too! (Quite literally as there is much beer to quench the thirst on the way round!)

Team shot.

Princess G suited up for her first Japanese festival too.

For our pains, the neighbours we passed gave us loads of treats. That's why we needed the back packs. Japanese style Halloween? Amazing how we have been doing the same kind of thing at the same time of year, all over the world for centuries, innit?

Another good day!

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