So I have a new camera, right?
Which was bought with the thought that it would be great to be able to take snapshots and video footage with ease, especially at Weechan events, right?
Except when you can't work it. There was just such an event on Friday for the first time: Weechan's school Spring Concert. I capitalise to show honest respect for Takako-sensei, for not having a nervous breakdown controlling the raw talent before her (OK, that might have been a tad cynical, but I do think T-sensei does a great job). It wasn't the talent that was raw, just a few notes here and there, but all in all a nice show if you are a parent, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, not one decent photo nor video did I manage to take, despite repeated efforts, before the batteries ran out. Yes that's right. Half-way through Weechan's stellar performance of "movement"- whch was the second number of the night. Luckily I have a chance to see examples of this movement in the livingroom on a daily basis, so all is not lost. Tally ho. I wish I could have shown you one of the seniors doing his "Somewhere over the Rainbow" though. It really was quite good- maybe not as good as he thinks it was, but hey, he's 17 with a guitar and a God among the senior girls!
まあ、親バカしか楽しめないような小さいコンサートですけど、せっかくだったので、アイドルの高校生(女子高生の中だけでね!)の「オーバー ザ レーンボー」を見せたかったなー。
Once again I tried, on the girls night out, but I really can't show you many of the pix I took from there either, so I am respectfully borrowing the ones taken by Tee - thansk T!

Italian dinner at the restaurant where we had our Wedding party (number 2) almost 9 years ago.
This time I wasn't dressed as a pink bunny or accompanied by a raccoon with large testicles though, so not (quite) so conspicuous.

Next place: it may look like we were in the back store cupboard of a factory selling knocked-off videos, but the atmosphere in this retro bar is actually quite nice, as are the desserts!

Then on to Karaoke - is this the latest way to stop the swine flu??!!

Disinfected microphones.

「ガールズ ジャスト ワナ ハブ ファン!」だって。そうさしてもらった!
So we did!

Til 3am!
Susan Boyle? Bring it on!
Note to self: Michelle Obama may have the right to bare arms, but I really don't!