Saturday, 16 August 2008

Girly Lunch

Or at least a new cafe in town, makes this almost possible in the summer hols! New Tsubomi Cafe provides a not bad lunch menu, and me and the girls went to check it out last Wednesday. They availed themselves freely of the "glass wine" option on the drinks list, while I pouted in the corner with my "my house is too far away to merit a taxi" cappuccino. When we move house, I'll be organising a re-run!

As I said the lunches are not bad, but the thing that makes this place a dead cert for return visits, is the great children's playroom, complete with ball pool, slide and PC educationally sound toys from my favourite toy shop, Bornelund. You can check your kids in with an armband, after they have eaten the very impressive kids set lunch, while you eat! Fantastic!

How else could the mothers of these 7 little angels hope to go out for a quiet lunch?

A gets into the balls.

N is happy just looking adorable.

K is the man to see about your plastic boiled eggs - great cook like his mum?

Thinkers, one and all!

J explains the how the cogs turn.

While M and L strive ever higher in life!

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