Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Backtracking through the holidays....1

It's that time of year again when I am running about too much to do the blog regularly, so we'll be having a summer round-up over a few installments.

It all starts and ends with heat. Unspeakable asphyxiating heat.
So Mummy has the bright idea:
"Hey Mairi come here and I'll show you how Mummy used to play in summer....WATER FIGHT!!!!"

As is common with these great Mummy ideas, the original plan of doing this great fun thing for about 5 minutes, is not enough for the insatiable mess loving 5 year old, and the original plan of Mummy soaking the 5 year old and then carrying on with what she was doing - bone dry- goes completely by the wayside.

And the car never did get clean.

But it was fun making rainbows!

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