Thursday, 20 September 2007

Dr Yasu turns Prince Charming? 白馬の王子に変身?

I'm wondering what Y has been up to.
On Sunday he came back from an all night shift at work, and started talking about a great massage place he'd heard of near our house, then promptly phoned up and made an appointment for me to go and have a massage that very night!


Very strange behaviour!


Then, the next day he actually volunteered to make the dinner! (See photo above - goya champuru, by Yasu, made by looking at Tasty Bites!)

そして、次の日、晩ご飯を作ってくれると言い出した。(上の写真:YがTasty Bitesのレシピを見ながら作ったゴーヤチャンプルです!)

And it was actually quite good!


What a nice surprise!
Married for 7 years, is he finally turning into my Knight in Shining Armour?
Fingers crossed!

とにかくうれしかったね。結婚して7年ですが、やっとプリンス チャーミングに変身ですか?

Thanks Y! ありがとう!

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