Sunday, 30 September 2007

S家と湯布院旅行 Yufuin with The S Team

Just back from a good weekend in Yufuin with the S Family. It was nice to go with another family as M had some friends to play with. She, I and Y got on like a house on fire, and we had to do the obligatory trip to the Safari Park.



Too bad the weather was terrible, but we braved the fog for an adventure! Wee Y was left out of the hand holding, so she made do with what she could get!

So which bus will it be today?? The LION bus!


M fed her old friends.

And I -kun finally got up the courage to feed the tigers! Well done I!



We were seriously cold for the first time since Scotland!

But today the kangaroos were the only ones fighting so we had a great time!


We had great food and had good baths, a good weekend! S Family, thanks for coming with us. Let's go again when the sun is shining!

Disney with my Prince 私の王子とディズニー

On Saturday we went to Disney on Ice with my friend H from Onomichi. First we went out to play near my house. It was great to see H after such a long time.


H and his Mum were braver than us! Me and Mummy were too scared to get on the jet coaster. Wow!

HくんとH君ママは私たちより勇気があった。 私とMummyはジェットコースターがまだちょっと怖い!すごいね!


I went to Disney as Belle, and Hayato was the Beast/Prince. ...Of course he was my prince! There was even a band playing nearby, so we got a dance in before the show.
The show was great too. (Although H didn't seem to enjoy it as much as me....!) All my favourite characters were there. And I got to eat another 1800 yen snow cone! All in all a great day!

And as a special bonus, I met my friend YY and my friend M-chan from Onomichi too! (Couldn't get a photo of M-chan!) Everyone loves Disney!


Sleepover - by Mairi 初めてお泊まり

Last week I stayed at my friend Y-chan's house. It was the first time I'd stayed over somewhere without my Mummy. I practised going to sleep by myself for a few days before I went, so I knew I could do it. I was so excited to go home with my 2 friends in Y's car. We went to baby S's nursery and played there for a while, then went home and had a delicious dinner and played all night. I got a little sad after N-chan decided to go home, and I had to call my Mummy, but after I spoke to her, and Y-chan's Mummy gave me a cuddle, I was able to go to sleep fine! Me and Y woke up very very early and had a great time playing till her Mummy took us back to school! Thank you Y-chan family! I had a great time! Next time come and play at my house Y and N!

先週初めて一人で友達のうちでお泊まりしてきたよ!同じクラスのYちゃんの家に行くのはとても楽しみだったけど、Mummyがいないのは初めてだから、何回か一人で寝る練習してみた。一人で寝れたから、Yちゃんの車でNちゃんとYちゃんと乗ったとき、とても興奮していた。赤ちゃんのSちゃんの保育園に迎えに行って、そこの公園で遊んで、Yちゃんのママが作ってくれたスパゲティを食べて、いっぱい遊んで、とても楽しかったです。 寝る前に、Nちゃんが帰ってしまったから、私もちょっと寂しくなって、Mummyに電話してしまったけど、その後Yちゃんのママが優しく絵本を読んでくれたから、やっぱり寝れました。次の朝とても早く目が覚めて、Yちゃんと二人で学校に行くまでにとても楽しく遊んだ!Yちゃんのママがその日のおいしくて可愛いお弁当まで作ってくれた! ありがとうYちゃんFamily!今度うちにも遊びにきてね!

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

First Sleepover 初めてお泊まり ー by Mummy

Last night I spent the first night without my baby within 30 feet of me since February 2003, when she was born.
Originally I was going to have her wee classmates round here for a day of play with their mums to break them in, but the usual Autumn frenzy of activity has begun, and schedules didn't match up, so when Y-chan's Mum suggested that we go straight to the kids doing a sleepover by themselves at her house, a whole new battle between the two voices in my head began. You know the ones: " Don't overreact, this is no doubt a perfectly normal age for a child to go and sleep over at a relative stranger's house by herself. Don't mollycoddle! She'll be fine! What could possibly happen? People will think you just want her tied to the apron strings! And think of not having to get up at 6am to make the lunch and take her to school"
And then " But she's never even been there to play!! It' s hit or miss whether she'll even go sleep for her Dad! What if she gets scared?? It's an hour away if I have to go and get her in the middle of the night!!!" And slightly more disturbing thoughts which make me wonder if I'm becoming my mother, " What if she's a nightmare for Y-chan's Mum? What if she wets the bed? What if she's cheeky? What if they all fight?"
In the end the person I want to be won out over the person I probably am, and the date was set for the 3 girls of the class to go home with Y's Mum after school last night.
The drama was heightened last week, with news of all 3 girls getting involved in near fisty cuffs, witnessed by other kids only too ready to report back, over who had lunch with their teacher last week. The teacher, sensibly, didn't want to name names, but the "what if my child is the class bully? What if they all hate her??" paranoia increased... I must say in my blinded by love experience, that nothing I've seen particularly points to this, but teaching small kids has told me that kids are not always the same person when their parents aren't around.....aaarrghhh! Valium please!
Anyway, it was with trepidation that I packed M onto the bus with her overnight bag yesterday morning.
After work, I was impressed that I had the chance to stay late to take in a concert held at my school by a rather famous children's choir form South Africa. Oh, this is the life of people who can get babysitters, I thought! It all seemed rather fun.
After the concert, at approx 5:20pm, pangs of worry (guilt??no!) set in and after opening the phone twice and shutting it, I finally succumbed and sent an e-mail to Y's Mum checking they had all arrived at hers without incident.
The answer "Of course! Don't worry!" with a picture of them all happily traveling to the park, left me feeling foolish...

So, I trawled off for an unusual dinner out alone with my hubby, and we got through two DVDs of the latest season of 24, only interrupted by occasional photo updates of the kids having a great time at Y's, which made me feel both like a prize idiot, and a little relieved!

Playing before dinner...


Fireworks before bed!!

Then at about 10 o'clock, the phone rang!!!!!
Sniveling M " I miss you, I want to go home..."
The hour's drive in my head, I talked her down for about 10 mins, until finally she decided she would try another story and cuddle from Y's Mummy. Relieved, but secretly pleased that she didn't not miss me at all after all.....!

An while later, an e-mail saying the two remaining kids were sleeping soundly side by side! Success!

I went to bed expecting the phone call at any second, but we all managed to sleep through, and the next e-mail said M and Y had been up playing happily since 5am!

Hopefully that means I'll get an early night tonight too!

Aaah, another rite of passage ticked off!

So, who'd like to have M to stay over next?????

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Dr Yasu turns Prince Charming? 白馬の王子に変身?

I'm wondering what Y has been up to.
On Sunday he came back from an all night shift at work, and started talking about a great massage place he'd heard of near our house, then promptly phoned up and made an appointment for me to go and have a massage that very night!


Very strange behaviour!


Then, the next day he actually volunteered to make the dinner! (See photo above - goya champuru, by Yasu, made by looking at Tasty Bites!)

そして、次の日、晩ご飯を作ってくれると言い出した。(上の写真:YがTasty Bitesのレシピを見ながら作ったゴーヤチャンプルです!)

And it was actually quite good!


What a nice surprise!
Married for 7 years, is he finally turning into my Knight in Shining Armour?
Fingers crossed!

とにかくうれしかったね。結婚して7年ですが、やっとプリンス チャーミングに変身ですか?

Thanks Y! ありがとう!

And a Quick One for Granny コジャック

High School Musical? ハイ スクール ミュージカル

A bit free and easy with the lyrics, but Vanessa Hudgens watch your job!

Sunday, 16 September 2007

One of the Lads 男の子か?

Today I went to play with the S family in their new house. A new friend M-kun was there too. We had a great time, especially playing with I's cars. Am I not very ladylike or something? Thanks for having us!

I helped Mummy make some trifle before we went too!

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Swimmers 水泳

I went to try out another swimming class today. My friend s F and H go there already. It was a great pool with a flume and everything, and my teacher was good fun too. But it's quite far from my house, so I don't know if I can go every week.


Maybe in a few months, I will be able to swim as well as F!

After our class we had fun at F's house, then went out for Pizza on top of a mountain.

Never miss a chance to show off your new ballet skills!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Marks out of Ten? 生徒に評価される!

Well one of the more scary but I suppose constructive ideas of the powers that be at Jogakuin (my school), is to have all the teachers fill out an evaluation form for each class that they teach, and in return, the students fill out the same form about the teacher. Then you see if your ideas about each other match up. Then they get to write comments about you or your classes. I didn't fill out the form about my kids, due to time restrictions at the end of term, and because I didn't feel I knew the kids well enough to be fair, but they, it appears, had no such reservations about me.
Now given my surprise at how personally I took the comments on Mairi's report card (even though I knew they didn't mean much), it was with trepidation that I went up to find out my popularity rating today.
It's an unnerving thing to be on the other side of the fence, facing the ones you've been trying to impress and impress upon. My policy has always been that teaching is not a popularity contest, and that your job is to get the material across more than anything. I don't care if they hate me if they learn something, I always say. It's alright to believe this honestly, and be aware that you can't please all the people all the time, but it's quite another to be told directly they hate you and why!

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say, that more people seem to grudgingly like me than hate me, which is heartening, and more people feel they are learning something than not, although depressingly, the negative stats are there too. There were a few points which I will take seriously, and try to improve on, which makes me glad I read the report, but I thought I'd leave you with my favourite comment.

Under the heading: "Things I wish this teacher would do to improve the class"

Anonymous wrote : "I wish she'd shut up!"

A great epitaph for a conversation teacher, and I'm sure many of you will appreciate her sentiments! And with that....... I'll shut up!






Monday, 10 September 2007

Back at School 学校生活復活!

Well I'm getting used to being back at school. We've only managed to miss the bus once, and thankfully on a day Mummy wasn't working, and it's even beginning to get cooler in the mornings. I'm happy to see everyone at the bus stop, and then it's off to school.


I'm a busy girl these days. I started ballet last week - note the hair! Mummy needs a bit of practise! And I've got piano lessons and I'm trying out swimming classes too. It's hard work being 4!

Being 7 has its ups and downs too. N just lost another tooth, so she's the tooth fairy's best friend!
7歳もいろいろあるね。Nちゃんは昨日も歯が抜けたから、tooth fairyの贈り物でお金持ちになっている。

A Beautiful Morning Sky きれいなお空

Could only snap it from the moving car, but the sky this morning was a thing of beauty, full of the promise of a cool Autumn. Bring it on!


Sunday, 9 September 2007

Rare Family Outing 3人でお出かけ

Always running back....

and forth....

Just trying to keep cool....

By one means....

Or another ..... (Retro lemonade! Always tastes better out of a cool glass bottle.)

Funky shops and streets to wander....

A clandestine return to Onomichi to visit our old haunts. Nice walk along the seafront. A good Sunday.

Even a skint knee is bearable if you have the right park and the right Puri Cure bandaid.
A rare family outing, and once again only 2 people in the photos.....

 起きてから気まぐれでいきなり尾道に行こうって決めたOn the Pondファミリー。かき氷とレトロのサイダーでちょっと涼しくなった気分。町の道を散歩して懐かしくなった3人。走り過ぎて転んでも、なじみの公園でプリキュアのバンドエードを張れば、なっとくするWeechan!


Saturday, 8 September 2007

A New Princess Comes to Visit N姫が遊びにきた

"Baby" N came to stay with Aunty JJ last week. It was so nice having them here. Doesn't N-chan look cute in my old dressing up skirt! But I wished F could have come too! I love F!! I'm looking forward to him coming back to Japan next week!


37度! 37℃

Its September - that means it's officially Autumn. Except someone has forgotten to tell the weather. It is still over 30 degrees every day, so there is nothing else for it, than to get straight into the shaved ice! 3 colours at once? Even better!


Return to Onomichi 久しぶりの尾道

The other week I went back to Onomichi for the first time since we moved. It was lovely to see all my old friends from my Puppuru music class when I was 2.


We had great fun playing at YO and SO's house. They had 2 paddling pools out and we turned the whole garden into a mudbath!


Only SO managed to escape the camera!

Thanks for the great time and the great lunch Mrs O! Please invite us again soon!!!!!