Saturday, 14 June 2008


Anyone who was in Hiroshima for my wedding, might remember the yukata (summer kimono) festival that was on the same weekend. Well it was that time of year again last weekend, so off we went with the Rice ladies last Friday night. You'll see from the following pictures that a lot of it went by in a blur.....photographically speaking.

M & Gabs

Lollipops abound, in the shape of any character you can imagine. Meet Doraemon, a robotic cat from the 21st century!

New festival food: "tornado potatoes"!!

Lots of food to be enjoyed.

Some people I don't know who insisted on having their photo taken... as you do.

The Bon-odori dancing in Shintenchi is my favourite bit.

The ubiquitous SMAP flower song got Mairi up there.

Next time she wants to join one f the scary looking soran bushi troops, and look like this lady.

Local businesses all sponsor a lantern at the shrine, hopefully in exchange for good luck!

Can't beat candy floss!

Mata ne!

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