Sunday, 15 June 2008

Budding Margot Fontaines?

One of the reasons there haven't been many posts lately, is that we have been doing very little. This is because Weechan is taking part in her 1st major ballet performance at the end of August. It's in a full scale theater with guest performers coming from Tokyo for the occasion. One of Akutagawa Sensei's former students is currently a member of to Tokyo ballet company, K's Ballet, and she may put in a performance too, so it's all very flash.
This means that every weekend is devoted to a rehearsal or photo shoot of some kind, so no private lives are to be had. Today we had a dress photo shoot, for the programme. Apparently this is the way it is in the world of ballet, so the message is, get serious, or quit. I'm entertaining it for the time being......
M loves it.
For me it's a lot of biting my lip and conforming, which as you know is not my forte. BUt this is motherhood right?

Fellow sufferers!

Prima Ballerina in her own mind.

But she's not the only one!

1 comment:

Toshisama said...

まさしく母性でしょう!?Mちゃんかわいいよ!Mちゃんが一生懸命だから、Jaxも頑張れるんだね!You're great mother!!Good luck!