Thursday, 24 April 2008

Bruised but OK

It was a beautiful Sunday, so we headed off to the park while Daddy was at the hospital. The cherry blossoms have gone but now we have the wisteria to brighten up our days.

And this is me having fun in the park....

Just before I decided to fall off a swing from a height of about 2m and bang my back and head on the ground. Mummy always tells me not to go so high or I'll fall off. Well, it finally happened. I got a big fright, and so did Mummy, and I had to go to the hospital to get all my bits checked out. Since I banged my head, I had a CT scan and that was a bit scary, but I was OK.
I promised my Mummy I would listen to everything she says from now on. (Mummy's not holding her breath though!)
A nice man called Mr Konishi very kindly helped us by getting ice packs for my head and carrying me to my Daddy's car. We don't know you Mr Konishi, and have no way of finding you, but we'd like to say a big thank you here, since we can't do it in person. Strangers who help you when you're in trouble are the best kind of people!

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