In Japan, there are no "roses are red, violets are blue" adorned cards to give you butterflies in your stomach. Instead chocolate is quite literally the heart of the matter. In an "only in Japan" kind of way, the girls give the boys in their life a quite astounding array of confectionery, whether store bought or lovingly homemade, and then have to wait a month until the specially created "White Day" on March 14th, when it's the boys turn to reciprocate.
And God forbid we might actually have to reveal our true feelings, so there is also a vast trade in "giri choco"- chocolate goods handed over in staggering amounts to basically any man you've ever met, and thereby have an obligation to. Convenient really. You can take the chance and pass some chox to the guy you really fancy, but if he looks too panicked, you can just say it was "giri" and go and slit your wrists in private.
You'd think that since I teach at a girls school, Valentines Day would be a big non-event. Well, they're nothing if not resourceful. If there are no boys on hand, you are then of course to pass out the love to your girlfriends. They are not usually allowed sweets at school, but they were literally carrying carrier bags full of baked goods around all day. The excitement was at fever pitch. God help them when they actually get near real boys!
Now Mairi goes to international school, so I wasn't quite sure which way to go. But being baker in chief, decided to have a heart cookie bake off together. It was so nice to see the bus driver's face when she handed him his cookies in the morning. Sometmes it's worth a bit of effort when people are pleasantly surprised. At home time we discovered that this school is International indeed . Mairi came back with a carrier bag stuffed with chocolate, other candy and homemade cards from the kids in her class.
How will it all be eaten before the Easter onslaught???!!!
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