Thursday, 28 February 2008

Happy Birthday To ME! 5 at last!!!!

Finally! I'm 5!!!
Mummy told me I couldn't have this rucksack when I saw it in the shop and I was sad, but she bought it as a surprise for my birthday!!! It's official! I now possess almost every piece of High School Musical merchandise that has ever been made.
Thank you very much to everyone who sent me gifts and cards from all over the world. I loved all of them! I will try to thank you all personally soon.

Here's the Hello Kitty birthday cake I ordered my Mummy to make.

Ba-chan and Ji-chan came round for a great birthday dinner.

Thanks for the presents, Ba-chan and Ji-chan, but especially for coming over to help make my birthday special!
To say thanks I showed them my ballet skills. Check it out! Sorry it's sideways....

Wednesday, 27 February 2008


This week was our midterm break, but Mummy had to work, so I got to go to Tulip and play with my friends there!
I love Tulip because we go out on a picnic, or a day trip every day.
Rain or shine!
And the bus picks me up at my house, so I can sleep late!!!!Yeah!!!!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

On the Cusp of the Seasons

You can tell it will soon be Spring at last, because the weather is going crazy. One day you wake up to a white out.

The next we're out skipping in the park after a pub lunch.

And playing outside without even the need for a coat!


Friday, 22 February 2008

Keep in Touch 忘れないでね。。。

My classmate N-chan had her last day at school today. There were only 3 girls in my class and now there will only be 2. We're so sad to see you go, N! But we hope you have a great time in Hawaii too, and that we can see you again soon. Good luck N!

Hina Dolls ひな人形

You can tell the build up for my birthday has started when Mummy gets my Hina dolls out of the cupboard after we've cleared up all the soy beans from Setsubun. The Dolls Festival is on March 3rd, and we keep the dolls out for about a month. This year I was big enough to help Mummy arrange the dolls.I'm so lucky to have these beautiful dolls.

Happy Birthday Ryowa

One of the boys in my class had a birthday last week, and we have a custom of giving each person in the class a small gift on our birthdays. I'm not sure why...Then everyone helps our teacher to make a birthday cake for the birthday boy or girl. R gave me some maize sticky stuff when he turned 4. I had great fun mushing it all up and making flowers, but this green wouldn't come off my hands for a long time after!
Thanks Ryowa!


Monday, 18 February 2008

Tinky Jean

In the erstwhile mining village where I grew up, in an aging upper floor flat on the street next to our house, there lived a middle-aged woman. Her name was Mrs MacPherson, and she lived alone and kept pretty much to herself, but to all the kids in our neighbourhood, she was a legend known as "Tinky Jean".

Granted her sartorial elegance left a lot to be desired, and while she probably did not in fact, as the general population would have it, "smell"; the two missing from the front ranks of her otherwise nicotine stained teeth, and the effect this had on her already mangled pure Fife delivery of the English language, didn't exactly help to dispel the rumours that she was in fact very likely a gypsy, a witch, or worse.
She used to yell out of her upstairs window for volunteers to go down to the local shop to buy her cigarettes, for the princely reward of 5p, in the days when the corner shopkeeper would still sell fags to the kids for their parents. Mind you this was the kind of village where the shopkeeper knew what very brand your Dad smoked, and would likely ask him in the pub that night if they'd been delivered, so hell mend any kid who went in for his/her own. Anyway, only the bravest of volunteers would actually take up the challenge, and instead, the measure of street cred, was whether or not you had the nerve to run up the suitably mysterious and dark close up the stairs to her front door, bang on it loudly, then run away without getting caught, or otherwise magicked into a frog, or eaten.

Later, on entering "the big school" we learned that she was in fact the mother of the arch evil art teacher at our local comprehensive, who was married to the "poshest" and most universally hated English teacher in the school. It was quickly decided that being related to this deadly duo was reason enough to turn anyone to drink, or witchcraft, and all was explained.

Of course with adult hindsight, the poor woman did well to ignore our pathetic and thinly veiled behaviour with the dignity she mustered (albeit with a few justified rants!).

Today, I reflect on Tinky Jean with appropriate shame, as I realised that I myself have apparently become the "Tinky Jean" of our neighbourhood. Hopefully not for the same reasons, although my mother would definitely look at my outfit today with disdain, but I'm not sure if just being the big scary foreigner on the block is any more comforting. This afternoon as I was enjoying an unusual hour on the sofa with a book, I heard the commotion of a boisterous group of primary school kids on their way home.

I usually keep the curtains on the front windows of our living room closed as the setting sun shines straight into the room and your eyes from mid afternoon onwards, so I couldn't see them pass, but I soon became aware that I could hear their voices for a lot longer than it takes them to walk past. When I opened the curtains a crack to see what was going on, I saw 4 of them edging into my driveway, all with an air of trepidation suggesting that Voldemort himself might appear if they took another step.
True to form, when the one girl noticed me watching, there ensued nudging a plenty and a collective shriek as they dispersed in an instant, all the while looking over their shoulders guiltily to check if their abandoned classmate would escape unharmed. The one boy, who'd obviously been the one dared to actually come and ring the doorbell, bolted after them, and I heard the bold laughter of relief at having successfully cheated the fate of being forced to eat 20 hamburgers, sing the ABC song, or some other horrible foreign torture, from round the corner out of sight.

This was not the look I chose.

How to react was the big dilemma. Should I go out and challenge them for their lack of manners and insensitivity? I would have been within my rights. But a wave of nostalgia overtook me, and I opted for staring at them unflinchingly and as mysteriously as I could without suggesting real retribution or weirdness, neither dispelling nor confirming any scary fantasies they might have.

If my mundane existance can fuel their imaginations, and make the drama of life greater in a world of cram schools and piano lessons, that's not such a bad thing , is it? I hope they have at least dreamed up an interesting fate to befall them if I catch them! As long as nothing gets stolen or broken, I accept my role as the local witch figure, as a penance for my own behaviour to Tinky Jean, with thanks to her for the magical memories of youthful imagination!

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Happy Valentines Day

I hope you felt suitably loved and appreciated this Valentines Day.

In Japan, there are no "roses are red, violets are blue" adorned cards to give you butterflies in your stomach. Instead chocolate is quite literally the heart of the matter. In an "only in Japan" kind of way, the girls give the boys in their life a quite astounding array of confectionery, whether store bought or lovingly homemade, and then have to wait a month until the specially created "White Day" on March 14th, when it's the boys turn to reciprocate.
And God forbid we might actually have to reveal our true feelings, so there is also a vast trade in "giri choco"- chocolate goods handed over in staggering amounts to basically any man you've ever met, and thereby have an obligation to. Convenient really. You can take the chance and pass some chox to the guy you really fancy, but if he looks too panicked, you can just say it was "giri" and go and slit your wrists in private.

You'd think that since I teach at a girls school, Valentines Day would be a big non-event. Well, they're nothing if not resourceful. If there are no boys on hand, you are then of course to pass out the love to your girlfriends. They are not usually allowed sweets at school, but they were literally carrying carrier bags full of baked goods around all day. The excitement was at fever pitch. God help them when they actually get near real boys!

Now Mairi goes to international school, so I wasn't quite sure which way to go. But being baker in chief, decided to have a heart cookie bake off together. It was so nice to see the bus driver's face when she handed him his cookies in the morning. Sometmes it's worth a bit of effort when people are pleasantly surprised. At home time we discovered that this school is International indeed . Mairi came back with a carrier bag stuffed with chocolate, other candy and homemade cards from the kids in her class.
How will it all be eaten before the Easter onslaught???!!!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Tortoise and the Hare

Hah! I sneer in the general direction of your German boy toy!
Let the record show that a lowly Toyota Hybrid, driven by a girly girl, beat a Porsche 911 Carrera over a couple of hundred km on the expressway!
Getting the Ferrari John?
Bring it on!

Some Shots from the Yufuin Weekend

A great time was had by all!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

On the Road to Yufuin

I had thought it would be a few years yet before this was the sight I'd get of my daughter.

Although thankfully(or not?) this is what she was listening to, albeit with full oblivious vocal accompaniment- knowledge of the actual lyrics not a requirement(the Circle of Life from the Lion King was particularly entertaining), and unnecessary loud bawling to anyone outside the earphones.

Faith in the fact that it will indeed be a few more years before I'm seeing the same view, but of a sullen teenager trying to block me out of her world, was restored slightly when Pooh also had to have a turn of listening to the music.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Chemical Reaction

Weechan woke up in the middle of the night the other night, screaming of a sore stomach, followed by a half hour toilet session, the product of which was a disturbingly dark greenish hue. At first I thought it was the ever boomeranging norovirus that has felled one and all this year, but on reflection, this was probably the more likely cuprit!



Monday, 4 February 2008

La Chambre Sweets

We went out for brunch after ballet the other Sunday at a new place near my school. The decor is a bit of a puzzlement. The prices and the menu suggest they are aiming for genteel, but the overall effect of the purple plush faux antique chairs with the heavily textured wall coverings is a tad Louis 14th meets wild west whorehouse. I can even being to try to put into word the effect of the rest room there. Rushing back with the camera to capture all of its wondrousness would have been just a bit embarrassing.

My first impression when I saw the cake selection was: here we go again, typical Japanese exquisite culinary artistry, which belies an atrocious lack of substance and flavour.
However this photo might help you understand how mistaken I was.
Definitely got the thumbs up from the wee lady who lunches.

La Chambre Sweets is in Kami Hatchobori, one block over from Urban View Grand Tower. I'd probably go back for a treat!

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Well, it's Setsubun today in Japan, but I've just realised that my chief "Oni" demon and his helper have gone up to bed and the beans and masks are still on the table. I wonder if there is some bad luck incurred by doing it a day late....
In the meantime, I'll leave you with a video explaining the customs of setsubun, made my friend Paul's students.
Fantastic! Enjoy!

Friday, 1 February 2008

Sniffing Season

Found this shot in google images, respectfully borrowed!

A few years out of the workforce and you forget the true joys of a Japanese winter.

Remember your mother yelling "Don't sniff! Get a tissue and blow your nose!"?

An infamous difference in our (UK and Japanese) cultures is that the Japanese mother will advise the exact opposite. It is lamentably considered more polite to schneck it back up than take the scary chance of having someone actually inadvertently witness you blowing your nose in public.

There are few things I missed less during my 4 year sabbatical from teaching than the sometimes crescendoing symphony of snot that regales you during any 50 minute class with 40-odd virulent teenagers during the winter months. Honestly, morning sickness was more fun.

Although I am back at work, I don't know if it's down to the small class size, or the generally genteel nature of la creme de la creme that I teach (!), but I can't say I've noticed it so much this year. My days in the 45 strong all male 17 year old mechanics course in Miyazaki involved much more mucous.

But yesterday morning in Starbucks, reality came flooding (quite literally) back to me. The guy who came and sat next to me in the comfy chairs seemed quite normal at first, with his Americano and a muffin, but then it started. If you can imagine the most sonorous inverse snorting noise possible with one nose, that was it. And at a staccato rate of about 1 per second, it was too much to bear. Really, I don't know how his nostrils had time to fill up enough again to provide enough goo to make the ensuing noise.

I was trying to make a snazzy superteacheresque handout for my "gerls", but the CSI type images of bilious green mucous with a caffeine chaser hurtling through his bodily passages that invaded my brain every second, gave me "the boak" as we would say in Scotland (say it our loud and with expression and you'll know what it means!), and I had to flee to the safety of my car to stop myself from grabbing him by the neck tie and yelling:

" GET A F&#$`*@G TISSUE!"

(Sorry Mum, I know , it's not big and it doesn't become me).

I wonder if they have the same visceral reaction when we pour soy sauce on our rice....