Well, it's already well into my second year of the cow in Japan. Wow! Have I really been here that long?
Anyway, just a note to apologize for the lack of posting, and to let you know that my MacBook is finally back in my posession, good as new, fresh with new keyboard apparently worth 31,oooYen!
This all goes to prove that cleaning and I don't mix. In some desparate attempt to please my mother (yes, Mum, it would be your fault!), a couple of days after my birthday, I decided to clean the screen of my laptop with some OA cleaner I found at school. While I am not so stupid as to actually spray the keyboard with the stuff, I will admit my naivete in thinking that wiping the keys with the tissue I used for the screen wouldn't do any harm....WRONG!
Immediately, the line of keys from A to L went on strike in protest, and were not to be negotiated with.
So, apart from no blogging, I haven't been able to give appropriate thanks for all the palaver surrounding my birthday, or make my excuses for being uncharacteristically late with everything at Christmas, or anything really. Who knew life was so tied up in a laptop. This from a woamn who had never touched a computer before the year 2000!
Oh well, I have a lot of catching up to do, but it will take some time. Let me just start with a hearty HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.
Check back occasionally if you are interested.
Cheers the noo!
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