Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Midsummer Dreams

In Summer when I am working, Weechan goes to a local play school, for the wild and wonderful. It's great for me, as the fact that every day is a picnic, where they run wild and have great fun, even going to the Family Pool every day it is sunny in July, helps to assuage my guilt that she is not enjoying a lengthy summer holiday like her friends.

I particularly love the place on special holidays. Yesterday was Tanabata, the star festival, and again this year she brought home these homemade decorations, complete with bamboo tree to hang them on.

Children write their hopes and dreams on papers and hang them from the tree. Previous years have asked for celestial help in becoming a princess or superhero animated character, if you check back July blog entries you can confirm it. This year?
Apparently the pinnacle of Weechan's existence would be to become a car repairman (do you get repairwomen? Soon!)

We can all but dream!

Princesses do still figure in my everyday life! I'm making Cinderella from Hama Beads!

And tonight another summer right of passage!
First kakigori of the year!

Snow in the living room to cool us down!

What's your favourite flavour?


Toshisama said...

Weechan,Say hello to Tulip's Friend!

fionak26 said...

Opened up the old emotional scars of not getting Mr Frosty for Christmas.