OK, so you know I've always been movie mad and watching the Oscars is a must see custom instilled in me by my mother from an early age. One aspect of living in Japan that really does my head in, is the inability to see all the nominated films in time for the ceremony, but on the plus side, you don't have to stay up until the middle of the night to watch it live.
However, nothing beats a little live red carpet action, so by the power vested in me over the young ladies of this city, I wangled a way to have my own Oscars by making the girsl in one of my classes hold the Oscars as part of their oral assessment. In groups they had to nominate movies, and give presentations on why their film deserved to win. Then we all voted to decide the Oscar winners, and I promised them an Oscar night party after their university exams were all finished.
I forgot to take a photo of the red carpet, but there was one.
Me and my esteemed colleagues made fajitas and tacos for them. Whoever said Japanese girls don't eat much hasn't met this pack of vultures!

Weechan uncharacteristically decided to get into the spirit and helped me annouce the winners in her party dress.

"Enchanted"....Yes, they are 18! Speeches were inspired by the "Thank you my pencil" speech of the Japanese guy who won an actual Oscar for a short animated feature this year.
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