Well sometimes you get one night wonder fevers, so we iced up and settled in for a sleepless night for Mummy, and Daddy who has to go and sleep with Weechan as I can't sleep a wink when she's sick if I'm next to her. Who knew I'd be such a freak?? I've always been of the "oh pull yourself together, everyone gets ill" philosophy, but ever since the seizure, now any irregularity in breathing is enough to have me shaking her poor wee self to make sure she's not dead. Oh well, they say admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, but I fear I'll be awake all night when she's 35 if I hear she has a fever...
Anyway, she was bright as a button the next morning, temperature normal. So, we thought we'd go for a rerun of the planned dinner party of the night before. Low and behold, as soon as the guests arrive: temperature rockets, eggs can be fried on the forehead time again.
This time: 39.5℃.
I can tell myself to get a grip when it's in the 38s, but when it passes 39, logic hasn't got a look in I'm afraid.
So the dinner party wasn't a great success, especially since the wonderful Shez's Friday the 13th included an impromptu trip to the dentist resulting in wisdom tooth extraction on the spot. So none of us were really in the mood to rave! So we all dispersed early, and another sleepless night was had by all.
Once again this morning: temperature perfectly normal, bright as a button, but as there was a planned sleepover at a friend's house tomorrow, we thought we'd better get her checked out today, just to make sure:
Type A Influenza.
Looks like her first absence from school tomorrow.
She will not be pleased.
Thank God I'm on holiday this week anyway - at least in that respect the timing is good.
Looks like her first absence from school tomorrow.
She will not be pleased.
Thank God I'm on holiday this week anyway - at least in that respect the timing is good.