Well, we’ve moved house, M is in a new school, Y and J are both in new jobs, we’re getting a new car next week, and I’ve got a new MacBook to play with, so why not go all he way and start a new blog too! In fact, in my new journey into the Apple world, I’m discovering that I can’t do the old So-net blog the way I want to from this computer - something to do with browsers and OS compatibility - so I’m using my free month of .Mac to test out this one.
The main points of “Mairi’s World” were 1) to let people who are interested know what she was up to and what her face looks like, and 2) to have a record of what she did and who she knew , for her to look at when she is older and has forgotten. The most I have of the 0-3 era are flashes of images, and whatever my mother remembers.
The facts are however, that she is so busy at school and various other things, that we don’t do that much together these days to fill a blog, and she is getting to an age when she will remember things herself. So no need for as much detail as before. And to be honest I’d always planned to change the format when she turned 4. Babies are cute, but toddlers other than your own can be less than adorable!
Still, hopefully Grandparents and close friends and family still wonder about us now and again, so I won’t give up altogether. Other comments I’ve had are that there is not enough news about me and Y, and that I have too many blogs to keep up with! So the answer: a new family blog! Why “On the Pond”? It’s what the characters for our name mean (池 means “pond” and 上means “on, above”), and is the most original one I can come up with for now - better suggestions in a comment welcome!
さて、引っ越ししたし、Mは新しい幼稚園に行きだしたし、YもJも新しい職場で頑張っている。来週から新しい車に乗ることにして、Macもとうとう購入!こんな新しくなった環境だと、ブログも新しくなるのは当然でしょうね。 実は、アップルの世界にゆっくりとなれてきている私は、Macを使うとSo-netのブログを前のように編集できないことが分かった。ブラウザーのせいか、 OSのせいか、私のバカか分からないけど、とりあえず.Macの一ヶ月無料体験をつかってこのMacのブログを試してみようかと。。。
でもおばあちゃん達や親戚や親しい友達はまだちょっとだけでも私たちに興味があると思いたいから、まだ完全に諦めないよ!茉利の事ばっかりじゃなくて、YとJの事もたまに聞きたいや、ブログがあり過ぎて訳が分からないなどのコメントもありました。 その結果:このファミリーブログに変身させていただきます!なぜ「On the Pond」か?私たちの文字を英語に訳してごらん。。。あまり面白くないタイトルかもしれないけど、ごめんね。。。これからもよろしくね!
Good morning!!
see you!
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