Found out an interesting bit of useless information yesterday.
We had the neighbourhood cleaning the other day. Only in Japan would they come up with the idea that fostering a sense of community is best achieved by making everyone get up at 6 o'clock on a Sunday morning and go and weed the park! I've escaped these events in previous houses, as we were only there temporarily, using the weird gaijin card, but as we are actually here for the long term this time, and I don't want some snotty little kid saying"your Mum never cleans the park!" to Weechan, I thought we had better get cleaning this time at least.
So off we went, and it is actually quite satisfying to be up and active at that time, taking part in the world, instead of languising in your pit. On the way back, I was talking to my nextdoor neighbour, Mrs Inner Village, who was telling me that our reinforced concrete garages, were built on land where there was originally a pond.
So we are, quite literally, on the pond!
Fate, or what?!