Saturday, 3 May 2008

If at first you don't succeed..... 7ころび。。。

Today I tried riding my bike without the stabilizers for the first time. Ji-chan and Ba-chan came to watch.

Let's just say this thing is harder than it looks. But I'll get back on and keep trying till I crack it! or my skull of course!

Eggcellent Granny!

Mummy said better late than never, but as for me, I don't really know when Easter is. Never mind the moon, I will celebrate it whenever the eggs arrive.
Thanks Granny!

Friday, 2 May 2008

Speechless はっ??!!

Today I went for a massage. I've been there a few times. Usually a nice lady gives me my massages for her sins. Today it was a young man.

Midway through the massage he says :

" what's your other half, Mrs Jax?"
"Is it your mother who's American or something?"

!!!!!!!!!!!!Do I look in any way Japanese????? Oh my god!

I was so shocked I didn't even find the word "half" offensive, which is kind of like "half breed", depending on how its said.




